Handmade clay plates

Always have fun impressing lace doilies into clay! In this case I made some plates. They are drying out.

Follow these steps:

  1. Roll slab of clay.
  2. Lay on top of the clay slab a lace doily and then rollover with a rolling pin to impress the doily into the clay.
  3. Take off doily and cut the plate out of the slab.
  4. Lay a piece of cotton cloth over a plate that you already have (to use as your mould) and lay your new plate over the top – push gently in the middle of your new plate so that it touches the bottom of your mould. This mould will help support the plate as it dries out.
  5. In my next post I’ll complete the steps (as they now need to be gently sanded on the edges and on their backs, fired, glazed and then fired again).

Plates made from clay slabs and lace doilies - drying out

31 thoughts on “Handmade clay plates

  1. I just enrolled into a beginners clay class in Calgary Alberta. I love this idea of using a doily. I have several hand made ones from my Granny.

    • Hi Nancy
      Go the clay classes I say! I am sure you will have heaps of fun. Be warned…it can be addictive. What I like about clay is that there is always something new to learn and experiment with. There is no right or wrong. Would love to hear what you think after you have been to the classes for a while.
      That is sooooo lovely that you have some doilies made by your grandmother. So you have a perfect opportunity to enjoy her handiwork in a new way.

  2. It’s always interesting to see what other are doing. I want to thank you for liking “It’s Easy To Love Mud” on papermudandme.wordpress.com. Thanks again. – Aloha – pjs.

  3. Wow these are great, I have been making plates this week a new thing for me! Now I am trying to work out how to glaze fire them all! I am going to try the cotton material on plates as I have been using wooden bowls and making my own moulds but am not happy with result.

  4. Wow, this is great. I have so many doilies that would look beautiful, some of my mother’s tatted lace to edge the plate maybe, and print the particulars about her piece on the back? Trouble is, I don’t work with clay. Maybe I could find someone around town who’d do it for me.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog Fleur’s Adventure In Sewing Mayhem.com,,,,your lace doily plates are beautiful, can not wait to see then end result.

    • Thanks. Yes, I stumbled upon your blog when I found your beautiful free form pottery. Also loved your sewing including your pieces without patterns. I say throw the patterns out!!! Never know what you will end up with then. Much more fun…

      • Ok. Not sure. When the plates are drying out after making them are they drying evenly? I put my plates on bisque plates as i find this helps the clay dry evenly. Or do yours only warp while in the kiln? I get mine fired at a local ceramics shop so I am not sure about that side of things. They are real professionals there so when i see them next i will ask them.
        Thanks for stopping by and asking great questions. I love this about blogging….always learning from like minded people from around the world.

      • I have never used cotton cloth before and use a ceramic plate rather than a bisqued plate as a mould – I will certainly give the cloth a go and see if that makes a difference! Many thanks for the feedback!
        Patricia (from South Africa – as a matter of interest)

  6. I have trouble with the centers rising up. I make sure they are pressed down, but still happens. Does that mean they are not turned up enough on the edges? I use death valley and fire to 2400 degrees.

    • Hi Patty.
      Nice to hear from you. I popped over to your site to see your amazing pottery. Very organic and free flowing! Wonderful. Not sure why your plates turn up in the middle. When the plates dry out I always have them sitting on something that allows the plates to dry evenly. I put newspaper on cork mats. I also change the newspaper every 24 hrs. This allows air to dry the clay more evenly and the plates to dry flat and stay flat when fired.

  7. What kind of glaze do you use? How many coats do you give it?
    What is your process for getting the antiqued look in the deeper grooves?

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